Sunday, January 04, 2009

she's leaving! quite surreal

It actually feels quite surreal that it is finally happening. We've been waiting, hoping, praying for this day. But when the day is finally here and drawing near, it feels strange and a little unreal. She's leaving, finally! What a relief, or put less euphemistically, good riddance! Ahh i feel evil, heh.

But she's truly incorrigible. Perhaps not worth the sympathy I was still feeling for her before finding out how she retorted to my mum. "Don't other maids make such mistakes too?"; "Why can't I leave tonight?"; "It's okay I have my biscuits". Haha okay, the last quote may seem a little out of context. She said that in response to my mum asking her to have her lunch, which my mum bought for her. She refused to eat and said that she had her biscuits. What horrific attitude. Stubborn till the end. Whatever. 

Sometimes it amazes me that she's a mother. So childish in her mannerism and yet she bore a child. Poor child. Really. Not only is she bossy, she's stubborn too, and hypocritical. And just to add, she's not that bright either, though I'm pretty sure she thinks otherwise of herself. Hmm

Okay, I feel rather mean now. Think I'd better stop with my ranting. She'll be leaving monday night. Then it'll be time for us to do our share of household chores each while we search for another. I really hope bro will chip in. Sweep the floor, clean the washroom or something. Speaking of which, there's a lizard happily living in our bathroom! It's feeding on a constant supply of flies that visit our shower cubicle. So now there are much less flies but more traces of a well and active lizard making itself comfortable in our common bathroom. It leaves its excretion lying around as though dropping clues to prove its existence in our bathroom. Bleahh :s 

Hmm..flies or lizard? I feel like choosing the former..

scribbledY12:31 AM

Friday, January 02, 2009

2nd day into the new year

New Year's Day is officially over. I spent the day sleeping haha but I met up with the sevenone girls at night :) Kaiqian couldn't make it though cos she had to mug for her exam! Poor medical students! It was nice meeting up with everyone else though after such a loong time. Tiff, Chelly, Hongli, Shiru, Shimin..hopefully we'll have a sevenone class outing too soon!

Sighh..I'll really miss all my friends who are going/have gone on exchange. Though some I may not be that close too, I'll still miss them, and of course at the same time envy their fortune. I'll strive for my turn next year! 

Anyway, I don't know what's wrong with me, but I thought I wouldn't feel a sense of loss or sadness when this day is finally here. I thought I would be unaffected, but I guess not. I think I'll need more time to not feel anything when it is around me. I'll refer to ahem as it. It's ok, now I have plenty of time to settle my heart and feelings. 8 months, a long time :)

Oh yes, I think I'd better restate my new years' resolutions clearly here:
1. be on time for classes, meetings, outings
2. not have supper after dance. stick to warm milk and perhaps an apple if hungry

I'm just gonna state to resolutions here. Having too many is impossible to keep. Of course, I'll buck up this term and reach for my As to pull up my GPA! Now that tuition is gone, and possibly less time spent on exco stuff after our production, and also maybe less time spent on latin (don't know who will be my new partner anyway), I'll make more time for studying, reading, and also keeping in touch with my old friends! Like the sevenone girls, LA square members..Come to think of it, it shouldn't be that difficult this year since there will be LOTS of 21st birthday celebrations! Mine is still about a year away though..And I'm quite sure it will be another non-event cos of exams :/ bleah. another couple of years worth of non-birthdays :(

scribbledY11:16 AM

love affairs
contemporary dance. latin dance. chinese dance.
my family. tako. buffy. meh meh.

goh jiayin / 吴佳音

singapore management university (SMU)
hwa chong institution (HCI)
nanyang girls' high (NYGH)
nanyang primary school (NYPS)

me again.
indancity. caderas latinas.
nanyang chinese dance. hwa chong chinese dance.
hokkien huay kuan.
nanyang primary and nanyang girls' art gym.


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